Interview with
Bathory Legion
from Ghost Box Radio
Bathory Legion is a ritual ambient/experimental/noise project from Italy. This music is visceral. Painful. Beautiful. Terrifying. Humble. BL's roots are in Black Metal but has moved into the esoteric realms of dark ambient.
BL has been in rotation on Ghost Box Radio since the beginning. A wonderful collaborator and very supportive in the community, BL runs the Planetaria Store -- an independent label and music resource.
[Haz] Who are you as an artist? What is your philosophy?
[BL] Bathory Legion, or BL. My philosophy is “Anarcoesoterismo” (Anarcho-Esoterism)
[Haz] You've transformed from Bathory Legion to BL. Why this change?
[BL] Logo and moniker was always composed by the only two letters BL, and originally was composed by two runes Berkana - Laguz, and I chose that moniker in 2005. Now it’s time to change because I’m ending the circle and want to explore another kinds of paths, but I will never change my beliefs.

[BL] Yeah I make music since 1995. My future will be about composing soundtracks, and deep experimental stuff, I don’t want to have nothing to do with some scenes anymore, too much dumbs inside the clubs, for example, and too much lousy labels. There’s a some interesting person as well, but I 'm putting an irreversible from that scenes.
[Haz] Which do you like better, studio work or playing live?
[BL] I hate play live as BL, because on stage I’m alone so I’m chained to my gear, I can’t move myself. Probably I’d like to perform live some BM tracks as vocalist as many years ago, in order to have the chance to express myself on stage without playing.
[Haz] When you play live, when do you know you have succeeded in the performance?
[BL] If the audience die.
If they did some cool comments after the gig , nice reviews, buy the merchandise, or stuff like that. Honestly, I’m not interested in their opinion, just if another musician or an Esoterist like my work and tell me I’m satisfied, because just another musician is able to comprehend the immense work behind one of my live-set, included the visual part.
[Haz] What is it like to see BL live? (What would I see and feel if I heard you perform live? Your live show seems ritualized. What is this ritual and what is its purpose?)

[Haz] How does the esoteric play into your music?
[BL] My music is one of the expression of my esoteric path, So it’s truly important.
[Haz] What instruments do you play?
[BL] I play Drums, piano and key.
[Haz] When did you start making music?
[BL] I started to play piano when I was 5 year old and drums when I was 11
[Haz] When did you find your voice as an artist? (When did it became clear you were meant to do this? your "voice" is your unique style. Your artistic vision.)
[BL] When I was 5 year old, the first time I listened to Liszt and Goblin
[Haz] Where does your music come from?
[BL] Lucifer
[Haz] Do you have a muse?
[BL] Currently: yes, I think. But I’m not inspired by anyone in my music.
[Haz] Who is VERMIIN?
[BL] Vermiin is a futuristic black metal band formed by me and J. Stillings from Steel Hook Prostheses, and some guests like Nysrok from Alien Vampires which is my Brother since 1995. We did a debut album entitled “Spiritual Parasites”, the first imprint of Steel Hook Recordings of J. Stillings, distributed exclusively also by Malignant Records, Crucial Blast Records and my Planetaria Store.

[Haz] What is VERMIIN's vision?
[BL] Chaos, Lucifer, Occultism, extreme but experimental and innovative sounds. We don’t need to lift anyone, cause we are able to create something new. People will understand that work on the next 10 years probably.
[Haz] How was it working with John Stillings?
[BL] He’s a great person and a serious professional. I respect his works.
[Haz] Do you think you'll perform VERMIIN live?
[BL] No, I don’t think that will be possible because the band is formed by people from the US, Italy and the UK, but you never know.
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Planetaria Music Store on Facebook