Friday, January 11, 2013

[SOMBRE SONIKS SUNDAY] for January 13, 2013: ATF - Memetik Etchings

Akoustik Timbre Frekuency - Memetik Etchings
(Ritual Ambient) 

BROADCAST: 2pm & 10pm Central Standard Time* 

*Start time is approximate with a 15 minute window.
Played twice for the benefit of our global community

"We start thee New Year with 'Memetik Etchings', another re-release from Akoustik Timbre Frekuency which was originally released on CDR by Quartier23 in 2009. This release is komprised of seven untitled kompositions that blend seamlessly together to provide 52 minutes of evokative, trance-inducing atmospheriks and was kreated as part of a Rite to re-charge my Servitor. Thee majority of thee bakground akoustiks were rekorded in a sewer, now fondly known as thee ‘Shit Tunnel Sessions’."